One of the most important principals for achieving success is to understand that your mind is like a garden bed where you cultivate and grow the seeds of thought.
As soon as you begin acting on your idea, your seed of positive thought becomes a seedling of positive action.
If you continue to feed and encourage this seedling, it gradually develops into a tree of positive habit.
Once this habit has become solid and immovable, it is then only a matter of time before it blossoms to produce the fruits of success.
However it is important to be aware that the garden of your mind does not discriminate between positive and negative seeds of thought.
A negative seed of thought planted within your mind often leads you to take negative actions. These actions gradually develop into negative habits that will inevitably produce the fruits of failure.
When you understand that your thoughts lead to actions and your actions develop into habits and that it is your habits that determine your results in life, then you’ll appreciate why it’s so important to be careful about the seeds of thought that you plant within your mind.
One of the real secrets of success is to become a watchful caretaker over the garden of your mind and make sure that you only plant and cultivate thoughts that will develop into the positive habits necessary for making your dreams a reality.
with metta