Seeds of Thought!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

One of the most important principals for achieving success is to understand that your mind is like a garden bed where you cultivate and grow the seeds of thought.

As soon as you begin acting on your idea, your seed of positive thought becomes a seedling of positive action.

If you continue to feed and encourage this seedling, it gradually develops into a tree of positive habit.

Once this habit has become solid and immovable, it is then only a matter of time before it blossoms to produce the fruits of success.

However it is important to be aware that the garden of your mind does not discriminate between positive and negative seeds of thought.
A negative seed of thought planted within your mind often leads you to take negative actions. These actions gradually develop into negative habits that will inevitably produce the fruits of failure.
When you understand that your thoughts lead to actions and your actions develop into habits and that it is your habits that determine your results in life, then you’ll appreciate why it’s so important to be careful about the seeds of thought that you plant within your mind.
One of the real secrets of success is to become a watchful caretaker over the garden of your mind and make sure that you only plant and cultivate thoughts that will develop into the positive habits necessary for making your dreams a reality.

with metta

Anapanasati meditation!

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Close your eyes
take all the time you need to get comfortable
shift muscles
stretch and relax
spine and neck are relaxed...not held stiffly !
there is no stiffness here
just comfort ... the beginning of calm ... there is no hurry now
there is nothing else to do ... or think about ... just pure relaxation !

Be the Breath

INHALE softly, easily...
EXHALE softly, easily
let your breath be a rhythm of calm your breath is a rhythm of calm
follow your breath
Be Calm
use your mind to follow your breath in ... out ... in ... out
that is all
Be Still
be with your breath-energy
Anapanasati Meditation is so simple ..
so very easy .. not at all difficult
Meditation can be done
any one
at any age
at any time
at any place
Meditation should be done regularly ... every day meditation should be done .. as per one's age in terms of so many minutes .. e.g., twenty minutes .. if your age is twenty years .. forty minutes .. if your age is forty years and so on and so forth

with metta

Keep a peaceful mind!

keep your mind always,positive,peaceful and stable!

Root cause of all problems in this world is mind. Toxic mind is causing turmoil in the family,organisation, society, country, community and in yourself. If you want to conquer the world first you have to conquer yourself. We are seeing the problem outside and searching the solution also outside; therefore spending all the energy and resources to control outside than own self. We are reducing our horizon and creating enemy all around. At the end we are living in fear and trying to guard our self against self.

"Cleaning our body and mind is very important to lead a balanced, happy and successful life."

1.Think positive

2.Be sociable healthy

4.keep your mind active and learn new things

With metta

Love Yourself First Before Loving Anyone Else!

Friday, July 15, 2011

If I asked you who was the most important person in your life, what would you say?
Would it be your partner, your parents, your children, your boss or even your god?From today onwards, I invite you to accept that in your lifetime, the most important relationship you will have with is yourself.
And the most important person in your life is YOU.
What would it be like to have in your life someone who loved you like no one else ever has?

What would it be like to have in your life someone who loved you like no one else ever has?
  • Someone who approves of you.
  • Someone who makes you feels so special.
  • Someone who loves you just the way you are.
  • Someone in whose eyes you can do no wrong.
  • Someone who doesn’t look at your past failings.
  • Someone who worships you and thinks that you rock.
  • Someone in whose presence the world seems so right.
  • Someone who makes you feel like you are floating on air.
  • Someone who makes you feel unstoppable – nothing can stop you.
  • Someone who doesn’t allow you to have guilt feelings from your past.

Wouldn’t you like to meet such a person – someone who would sweep you off your feet?
You already have this person in your life -and that is you!
Only you can love yourself the way no one else can!!

“Love yourself first and everything falls into line.”
Lucille Ball quotes (American radio and motion-picture actress and comedy star, 1911-1989)

with metta

Think positive..

Sunday, July 10, 2011

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” –

with metta
Anu ...

10 qualities!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Determination is the power of intent that drives our dreams. It is the strength of will to act with resolve. We focus our energy on a purpose and persevere until we meet our goal. Determination is the commitment to follow through, until we accomplish our purpose. We care about something so much that even when difficulties arises, and things don’t come easy, we keep on keeping on. If one path doesn’t work, we try another way. We don’t allow ourselves to get distracted or to go off track. We complete the tasks we choose to do. With determination we will succeed.

“The difference between determination and stubbornness is that one comes from a strong will and the other from a strong won’t.” ~ Unknown
The Practice of Determination:
* I am clear about what I want to accomplish.
* I am committed to meeting my goals.
* I focus my full attention on what is important.
* I do what it takes to follow through.
* I am flexible and persevering.
* I finish what I start.
I am thankful for the gift of Determination. It is the wind in my sails.


Detachment is experiencing our feelings without allowing them to control us. We step back and look at things objectively. We let go and accept what we cannot change. We detach from others’ choices, knowing that their spiritual work is not ours to do. We choose how we will act rather than just reacting. We step away from harmful cravings. Detachment is a deep breath of peace and patience in response to unexpected anger. With detachment, we see our mistakes honesty, make amends and start afresh. Detachment allows us be in the world but not of it. It frees us to lead our lives with grace.
“You always have the choice to take all things evenly, to hold on to nothing, to receive each irritation as if you had only fifteen minutes to live.” ~ Tolbert McCarroll
The Practice of Detachment:
* I recognize my feelings without letting them control me.
* I resist interfering with others’ spiritual lessons.
* I choose to act instead of react.
* I free myself from impulses and cravings.
* I listen in order to understand.
* I have the humility to amend my mistakes.
* I lead my life as my soul chooses.
I am thankful for the gift of Detachment. It lifts me up.


Decisiveness is firmness of mind in taking stand or making a decision. It requires us to be both courageous and discerning. At times, a choice appears and we must make it instantly, without hesitation, prompted by a deep knowing that it is right and timely. Decisiveness can also call us to hold a decision with patience, prayer and deep contemplation. We seek a pure intent, which guides us to a conclusion we can trust. Then one day, we reach the bedrock of truth and know it is time to act. We move forward with resolve and aconfidence. Being decisive, we are content with our decisions and do not second-guess ourselves. The timing of a good decision is just Divine.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” ~ Helen Keller
The Practice of Decisiveness:
* I have the courage to decide.
* I have confidence in my choices.
* I am not afraid to act in the moment.
* I take the time I need to discern the wisest path.
* I trust my deepest truth.
* I carry my decisions into action.
I am thankful for the gift of Decisiveness. It is the solid ground on which I stand.


Courtesy is treating others with kindness and tact. We take the time to speak and act graciously, showing people that we value and respect them. We make requests, not demands. We remember our manners, greet others warmly, and listen closely when they speak. Courtesy is a way to honor others, showing them how much they matter to us by how we treat them. Those closest to us need our courtesy most of all. Courtesy is the mirror of their value.
“See ye not, Courtesy is the true Alchemy, turning to gold all it touches and tries?” ~ George Meredith “The Song of Courtesy”
The Practice of Courtesy:
* I remember my manners.
* I show others that I value and respect them.
* I treat others graciously.
* I make requests, not demands.
* I listen attentively.
* I treat my intimates with special care.
I am thankful for the gift of Courtesy. It sweetens my relationships.


Cooperation is working together for the good of all. It is the willingness to stand side by side and use the different gifts each of us has to offer. We seek common goals in service of a unified vision. We blend our abilities to create something none of us could achieve alone. Conflict and contention drain us. Cooperation can fuel our dreams. With cooperation, we help one another to share the load. We willingly do the tasks that others ask of us. We look for ways to be helpful and ask for help when we need it. We do not isolate or harbor our loneliness. Together we accomplish greater things.
“Though force can protect in emergencey, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.” ~ Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th President of the U.S.A.
The Practice of Cooperation:
* I invite partnership.
* I trust the power of unity.
* I offer help and ideas freely.
* I have the humility not to do it all myself.
* I know I don’t have to be alone.
* I work with enthusiasm for a common goal.
I am thankful for the gift of Cooperation. It brings me into the community.


Compassion is deep empathy for another who is suffering or living with misfortune. It is understanding and caring, and a strong desire to ease their distress. Compassion flows freely from our hearts when we let go of judgments and seek to understand. Our compassionate presence helps people to know they are not alone. Sometimes they don’t need us to fix anything. They only need to be heard with compassion, so that they can connect to their own inner wisdom. We need our own compassion as much as others do. Whether a silent prayer or a gentle touch, compassion is a priceless gift.
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ~ The Dalai Lama
The Practice of Compassion:
* I notice when someone is hurt or needs a friend.
* I feel empathy for the pain of others.
* I take the time to reach out to those who need help.
* I care for others by listening deeply.
* I refrain from judging.
* I have compassion for myself.
I am thankful for the gift of Compassion. It stirs my heart.


Commitment is caring deeply about a person, a goal, or a belief. Once we discern a direction, we go for it wholeheartedly. We don’t hold back, second-guess our decision or hesitate to act on it fully. We set goals and achieve them. We make promises and keep them. We go the extra mile. We are faithful to our relationships and don’t allow problems to make us waver. Keeping our commitments strengthens our inner integrity. It deepens our capacity to carry responsibility with grace.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness… the moment one commits oneself, then Providence moves too.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Practice of Commitment:
* I am discerning about my decision.
* I give 100% to whatever I do.
* I am confident in my choices.
* I keep my agreements.
* I am loyal to those I care about.
* I have the strength to go the distance.
I am thankful for the gift of Commitment. It brings passion to my purpose.


Cheerfulness is seeing the bright side and looking for the good in whatever happens. It is maintaining a positive attitude of optimism and confidence. When we give cheerfully we are wholeheartedly helpful. Even when life is challenging, we make the best of it. We trust that all will be well. We nurture happiness. A cheerful smile can lighten up everyone’s day.
“There is one thing one has to have: either a soul that is cheerful by nature, or a soul made cheerful by work, love, art, and knowledge.” ~ Francois-Marie Voltair
The Practice of Cheerfulness:
* I keep a positive outlook.
* I look for ways to be helpful.
* I give wholeheartedly.
* I am optimistic amidst the currents of life.
* I feel confident and happy.
* I trust in the goodness of life.
I am thankful for the gift of Cheerfulness. 


Caring is giving tender attention to the people and things that matter to us. It is being a compassionate witness, listening to another wholeheartedly and without judgment. We show that we care with thoughtful acts and kind words. When we do a careful job, we give it our best effort. We are not indifferent to things that matter. We care deeply about the principles we believe in. Caring is a sign of love. When we care for others, we notice how they feel and what they need. When we care for ourselves, we have more to give to others. Caring is a gift from the heart.
“One who cares, listens.” ~ Paul Tillich
The Practice of Caring:
* I take an interest in others and listen deeply.
* I look for ways to be considerate and helpful.
* I am gentle and loving with anyone and anything placed in my care.
* I give excellence to whatever I do.
* I am passionate about my beliefs.
* I take good care of myself.
I am thankful for the gift of Caring. It helps me to express my love.


Beauty is a sense of wonder and reverence for the harmony, color, and loveliness of the world. Beauty opens us to the deep pattern of life that inform and delight us. It allows us to feel our connectedness with all creation. It calls us to look beyond the superficial appearance to appreciate the gifts in each person. Our creativity brings forth beauty in music, art, dance, and language. We practice beauty by creating a space of grace and order around us. We can reflect beauty in the way we dress, move, and speak. Living beautifully is a unique expression of our divine nature.
“The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread” ~ D. H. Lawrence
The Practice of Beauty:
* I spend time in the beauty of nature.
* I am inspired by the mysteries of life.
* I look for the good within everyone.
* I express my own creativity.
* I create a space of beauty and order around me.
* I speak and act graciously.
I am thankful for the gift of Beauty.

with metta